Come, Make Sweet Vanilla Soft Ice Cream with a Simple Way

We can also make ice cream easily at home. Just provide these four ingredients, soft sweet vanilla ice cream can be made in just a few hours! Ice cream lovers must try the easy way to make ice cream without an ice cream maker or manual and simple. Although the texture is not as soft as machine-made, this ice cream is pretty good to be enjoyed. Instead of we have to buy ice cream at a price that is quite expensive, it's better to make it yourself. Besides being easy, you can combine it with ingredients that you like. Ingredients for making ice cream are also easily obtained everywhere. The manufacturing process also only takes 3.5 hours. Just follow the steps for making ice cream like below?

1. prepare materials To make delicious vanilla ice cream, you need to prepare 500 ml of double cream or thick cream, 225 grams of sugar, 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract, and 500 ml of full cream fresh milk.

2. Make ice cream mixture Put all the ingredients in a large bowl. Add sugar, shake briefly with mixer until the sugar dissolves.

3. Chill the dough Cover tightly the container or bowl then keep in the freezer for 1 hour. If you have begun to harden the edges, remove the ice cream mixture earlier. Then shake with the mixer until it is fine-grained. Put it back in the freezer, let stand for 1 hour. Repeat this 3-4 times until the texture is soft. If the ice cream is too hard and difficult to stir, let stand a few moments in the refrigerator.

4. Serve ice cream Dredge the ice cream scoop and serve ice cream in a bowl. Add other ingredients that you like. Like candy, fruit, chocolate, or serve on waffles. The process of making ice cream with other variants can also be used with the same technique. You only need to mix the ice cream mixture with fresh fruit and others. If using fresh fruit, roughly chop the fruits to make them easier to mix.

with milk mixture when stirring.


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