Delicious Chicken Curry Recipe, Made from Simple Herbs and Spices

Curry is a versatile recipe that can be used to process various kinds of food, from beef, lamb, chicken, offal, fish, even vegetables. Flavor the flavor is able to mix with all types of food. Spices are also relatively easy to obtain such as turmeric, ginger, galangal and others. No wonder the curry menu is often chosen for a variety of offerings on special days because it is classified as a 'luxury' menu, but it's easy to make.

Similar to curry, it's just, curry tasted more spicy. Goulash is one type of cuisine that is popular in Indonesia and Malaysia. Although it has spread to various regions, this food is said to be native to Sumatra.
Cooking chicken curry can not be instant. But with a variety of seasoning concoctions will make the curry taste truly authentic, familiar and of course tasty. This recipe you can try for the first attempt to make curry, it's not difficult!

Material :

1/2 kg of chicken, cut according to taste
3 bay leaves
3 pieces of orange leaf
1 lemongrass stalk, geprek
3 cm galangal, geprek
1 sheet of turmeric leaves
1 kandis acid
65 ml instant coconut milk
Enough water
To taste salt, sugar and powdered broth

Ground spices :

5 cloves of shallot
4 cloves garlic
2 large red chilies
4 curly red chilies
2 cm ginger
3 cm turmeric
3 candlenuts
1/2 teaspoon coriander powder
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

How to make :

1. Saute ground spices with bay leaves, orange leaves, turmeric leaves, lemongrass, galangal and kandis acid until fragrant and somewhat dry.
2. Enter the chicken, stir well with the stir-fry seasoning.
3. Add coconut milk, water, salt, sugar and powdered broth to taste, stir while watering so that the coconut milk does not break.
4. Cook until boiling, the sauce thickens and oily, remove and serve.

This recipe is perfect for you to serve as dinner with your beloved family.


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